Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saying Goodbye to a Furry Friend

I know this is meant to be a photography blog rather than a personal blog, but I think I can relate this post back to photography in some way.  Today, my parents had to make the hard decision to put down our (almost) nine-year-old yellow lab.  She wasn't sick, but she was a huge dog and had struggled with bad hips her entire life.  Her ability to walk deteriorated a lot over the past year, and despite our efforts to make her better with steroids and other medications, she just couldn't do it anymore.  Though difficult, I think the decision to put her to sleep was the correct one.

From the day we brought Meadow home back in 2002, she was the most laid back, slow, gentle dog ever.  She had her wilder puppy years, but for the most part she was the calmest dog you can imagine.  She was also one of the most photogenic dogs ever.  Perhaps because of her demeanor, it was usually very easy to get a picture of her.  Here is a photo collage of Meadow over the years (photos taken by various family members):

It will be a strange feeling the next time I go home, knowing that there will be only one dog to greet me instead of two.   I was eleven when we brought her home, and she was always a common fixture in my life.  She was always happy to see you (especially if you had food in your hand), and in some of the crappiest times in my personal life I would sit with her on the porch or in the garage.  You're not supposed to pick favorites when it comes to your children or your pets, but I have to say Meadow was my favorite.  I had a special bond with her that I just don't have (yet) with our golden retriever Prairie.  Needless to say, her absence is tough pill for my family to swallow.

So, Meadow, you may be lost, but you are not forgotten.  Thank you for all the memories.  I'll never forget how you howled along with the tornado siren at 1:00 p.m. every 1st and 15th of the month, your triangle ears, your lion pounce, or the time you stole an entire sandwich right out of Dad's hand.   Anyway, I hope you're having an awesome time in Doggie Heaven, where you can walk and run without pain and eat as much as you want.  I will miss and remember you forever.

A.K.A.-Meddler, Medzo, Fatty, Polar Lion, Etc.
May 1, 2002 - February 22, 2011

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