For this post, I actually want to refer you to a different website. I stumbled upon this article while browsing the internet, and found it to be handy in explaining and simplifying the different elements of exposure. As someone who has not yet had a tremendous amount of time to experiment with the settings on her DSLR camera, I found it very useful. I plan on messing around with the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings on my camera a great deal this spring break and summer vacation to see if I can get a hang of choosing the correct exposure settings. Below I have provided links to the various articles that I found. The first is just an overview of the "Exposure Triangle" and how ISO, aperture, and shutter speed are related to each other. The next three links go into greater depth (but not too much depth) on each of those topics.
The Exposure Triangle
Shutter Speed
I thought that these articles were a nice starting point for people
trying to learn more about their DSLR (like myself) and that it would be
a good idea to pass the information along. Happy reading! I hope you
find these articles as informative as I did. :)